707 Westchester Ave, Suite 302 | White Plains, NY 10604 | T 914.395.0055 | F 914.395.0230

Referral Package

A referral package should include the following items:

  • Mortgage with riders
  • Assignments of Mortgage, if any
  • Note:
    1. Advise if there is any doubt that the original will be available at referral or during the closing
  • Title Insurance Policy
  • Financial information regarding loan
    1. Principal balance
    2. Due Date
    3. Date interest due from (usually one month before due date)
    4. Payoff figures
    5. Reinstatement figures
  • Information regarding borrower (1003 loan application may provide much of this.
    1. Address
    2. Social Security number
    3. Occupancy of property- mortgagor or tenant
    4. Employment
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